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Commercial Concrete - Newcastle Experienced Contractors

What is Commercial Concrete?

Concrete pillars and walls looking sturdy

Commercial concrete is a mixture of sand, aggregate, and water poured into forms to create flat surfaces such as concrete floors. Concrete contractors use their expertise in construction to build new buildings, sidewalks, roads or structures while ensuring the homebuyers are satisfied with how their building will look once it has been completed.

The commercial concrete that gives you the best results is usually made from cement and graded aggregates such as sand, gravel, and crushed stone. Concrete with dark grey will have an appearance that differs substantially from concrete with a light grey colour. The lighter coloured commercial concrete has a better impression.

The aggregate is the larger pieces of material that give the concrete its strength. They make up about 60%–80% of the total volume of concrete, with water making up most of the rest. Aggregates can be natural, like rock or sand, or manufactured, such as blast furnace slag or fly ash.


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    What is the Cost of Installation of a Commercial Concrete?

    The costs of the installation of commercial concrete are dependent on several factors. However, size is the most critical factor, which has the most significant bearing on these costs.

    Concrete Newcastle contractors can guide you on the costs associated with installing commercial concrete.

    The estimate includes the cost of labour, materials and equipment. If you intend to go in for integrated concrete solutions, it would be essential for you to factor in the prices of design, layout and other engineering requirements.

    The Benefits of Using Commercial Concrete

    Some of the benefits associated with using commercial concrete include:


    The nature of the material ensures that it is strong and can withstand harsh conditions without wearing out.

    Low Maintenance

    As compared to traditional construction materials such as wood, bricks or even tiles, which have to be repaired from time to time, concrete structures do not need regular repairs making them.

    Floor/ Slab Strength

    The material is strong enough to withstand a high weight-bearing capacity, making it suitable for industrial and commercial purposes.

    Beautiful aesthetics

    Commercial concrete structures can be designed and decorated to add beauty and style to the overall look of your building or construction.

    Where Should you Use Commercial Concrete in your project?

    Commercial concrete is not designed to be used for internal purposes such as crushing walls and ceilings. The main goal for which commercial concrete is installed is to support building structures. Commercial concrete is not designed to be used as a finishing material, so care has to be taken when applying it to the interior of buildings, such as flooring or walls.

    expert concreters pouring concrete mix on the building

    How Do you Tell the Quality of a Commercial Concrete?

    The quality of commercial concrete will be determined by the various additives which are added to it. A good quality concrete would have additives such as air trainers, curing agents, and similar materials. These additives increase the strength of the material.

    The quality of commercial concrete is often judged based on how much water is used to make a mix and the types of materials that went into producing it.

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    Why use Concrete Newcastle Contractors for your project?

    At Concrete Newcastle, we have professionals who have years of experience in the industry. With us, you can be sure that your project is in safe hands as we do all the groundwork for you to ensure that when it comes to construction, you are getting nothing but the best and most affordable services.

    It is always essential to use professional contractors for your project as these are the people who know their job inside out and so you can be sure that your structure is in safe hands.

    For installing a commercial concrete project, you can never go wrong with Concrete Newcastle since we are professional contractors. We are a cheap option for all your concrete placement needs, and our technicians will get the job done for you in no time, allowing you to save money on labour costs.

    When working with us, you don’t just get affordable commercial concrete services, but you also have access to emergency services.

    Another reason we have become one of the most popular contractors for concrete structures is because our services are very affordable. It means that even those with a big budget can still afford to get their structures constructed.


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